Thursday, April 30, 2009


My mood has changed often this lately days... dan aku lagi suka menyanyikan beberapa lagu yang ga tau kenapa aku nyanyiin teruuusss! maybe I just love it without any reason... and here they are.....hehehe,

"maukah kau tuk menjadi pilihanku, menjadi yang terakhir dalam hidupku. maukah tuk menjadi yang pertama yang slalu ada disaat pagi ku membuka mata"
(pilihanku - maliq & d' essential, it might be my wedding song! haha)

"can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker face"
(poker face - lady gaga)
"kemana saja kamu, saat hatiku hanyalah untukmu, kau sia-siakan cintaku begitu saja ohh sudahlah lupakan aku, yang tlah kecewa bersamamu, cari saja yang lain yang bisa kau sakiti, dan pergilah kau jauh dariku"
(kemana aja kamu - anggi, not my personal experience just like this song)

"hapuslah cinta antara kita berdua, karena kau sudah ada yang punya, biarlah diriku memendam rasa ini, jauh dilubuk hatiku"
(biarlah - soulvibe)

"wake up everyone, how can u sleep at the time like this unless the dreamer is the real you, listen to your voice, the one that tells u to taste past the tip of your tongue, leap in the net will appear"
(make it mine - jason mraz, I love MRAZ too much!)

that's the songs I recently sing...hope you'll like it too!!! :D

oohh...I put my picture when my hair is still long, I miss that hair...huhuuww,

hihihihi...aneh ga?

- desyrofianti, xoxo

Saturday, April 18, 2009

short story about my days lately...

Jarang update blog niyyy...huh, dipersingkat yaaa... aku sempet dirawat di rumah sakit cikini karena adanya usus buntu, hikss... dirawat 5 hari 4 malam buat aku sadar klo sakit bener2 ga enak yaaa....hehe, but thanks God, I can delayed my apendiks surgery and I can follow my mid test... doain aku supaya ga jd operasi aja yaa...hehe,
tangan diinfus, makanan rmh sakit, and me at the hospital

after that, I have to a week bed rest! thanks to my love, okka...yg setia menemaniku setiap hari dirumah sakit... ^_^
I meet my junior hign school friends (RBC) dede, kinong, diny, pury, dedo, tina, we have been friend for almost 9 years, wow! ketemu hari kamis, 090409 at Social House, Grand Indonesia -fotonya nyusul yaa-
Oiyaa...di GI jg I watch 'Monster vs Aliens 3D' movie with my was so fun!!!

kacamata 3D nya lucuuu... knp ga boleh dibawa pulang siy? huh..

And the next day, Friday 100409 aku pengajian untuk mengenang 3 tahunnya my dearest friend "Alm. Aldi 'Gedong" rest in peace, we miss you! rame deh yg dateng, jadi kayak reuni SMA kecil2an..hehe, tante rina -gedong's mom- baiiikkk skaliii, udah gitu makanannya enak-enak bgt, thanks tante!

Diverdo seperti reuni kecil at Alm. Gedong's home

And Saturday 110409, it's my family day! My mom want to cut her hair, so we went to PS, ke salon langganan si mama, and my mom want me to cut my hair too...oh no! and...there it goes,,

before after

so...what do u think about my hair??? hihihihi,

On Monday 130409, my lovely nephew is coming to my house and he stay for 4 days, woohhoooo!!! his name is Dafa Almer Dzacky and he is 4 months...he is really handsome, smart, and funny, we love him so deep!!!

I heart you, Dafa!

For the next two weeks, I will have my mid test...wish me luck yaaa....doakan akuuuu!!! ^_^

that's all...


Monday, April 6, 2009

quote of the day...^_^

" Dancing over the rainbow......until I remember, that the Rainbow not only mine but owned by God and YOU "