with big gundam robot and mickey
mickey and friends in the castle (left), is that Robocop? hehe, (right)
Marche, Plaza Senayan
ohh..ini nih tempat yang harus bawa si mama kalo kesini, hehe! tapi tempatnya lucu dehhh...kayak foodcourt gitu tapi pake kartu yg nanti dicap tiap pesen makannya, bayarnya terakhir kasih mama deh dikasir, haha! The interior of this place is addopted from Swiss where Marche came from. But the food is really delicious and fresh! sekali-kali boleh dicoba!
chocolate almond pancake with strawberry and melon, yummy!!!
unbranded jumpsuit and syal
Cream & Fudge Ice Cream, Senayan City
this ice cream is to die for! hehe, yumm...yummm..... maybe must bring ur mom too for this double scoop 'chocolate lovers' or not! hihihi...
Bakoel Koffie, Jl. Senopati Raya
iseng, ga tau mau kemana, ga laper cuma mau minum aja? kesini ajaaa! haha, Bakoel Koffie yang disini agak beda karena dibuat seperti cafe gallery gitu, seru! banyak barang-barang lucu disini, ada mobil kuno sampe patung, lukisan, motor, so cute! you must try...kalo malem minggu rame!
is this astronaut or a racer ya? (left), timbangan unik (right)
shirt-zara, pants-rusty, sandals-vnc
with my favourite people! my sister (left) and my love (right), we're playing cards!!! hihihi...
Times Bookstore, Lippo Karawaci
Buku-bukunya hampir semua import! sssttt...sebenernya disini ga boleh foto, tapi karena tempatnya baguuusss...ga tahan deh! hihihi, Toko buku nya punya dua lantai, dilantai bawah seru banget deh, dibuat seperti kolam (ga ada airnya) buat anak-anak main, disekitar kolam ada tempat duduk-duduk atau lounge yang nyaman deh... oohh, disini jg ada cafenya..jadi ga akan bosen buat baca buku disini,
tree-look a like-behind me is from first floor, do u believe me if I say that's a lounge? how unique!
one piece shirt and cardigan-zara
Come...and see for your self!!! love. love. love
-lovelyme! xoxo